Who Is The Dracula (1958) Movie Based On

1. Dracula (1958) | Horror Film Wiki - Fandom

  • Cast · Plot · Castle Dracula · Rising from the grave

  • Mister Holmwood, when I told you about Jonathan I thought it best for your peace of mind to spare the details of the dreadful circumstances in which he died. But the tragic death of your sister is so closely linked with Jonathan's, that I think you should now know the truth.Professor Van Helsing Dracula is a UK horror film produced by Hammer Film Productions and released in 1958. Directed by Terence Fisher with a screenplay by Jimmy Sangster, Dracula loosely adapts the original 1897 novel by Bra

Dracula (1958) | Horror Film Wiki - Fandom

2. Horror of Dracula | Hammer Films, Christopher Lee, Vampire - Britannica

  • In this version of the Dracula tale, based on the novel by Bram Stoker, Englishman Jonathan Harker (played by John Van Eyssen) poses as a librarian and takes ...

  • Horror of Dracula, British horror film, released in 1958, that was the first in a series of Dracula films produced by Hammer Films studio in England. A box-office hit, it helped establish Hammer as the successor to the American studio Universal as the leading producer of popular horror cinema. In

Horror of Dracula | Hammer Films, Christopher Lee, Vampire - Britannica

3. Dracula (1958 film) | Universal Monsters Wiki - Fandom

  • He hides his journal in a Virgin Mary grotto outside the castle and descends into the crypts, where he finds Dracula and the unnamed vampire woman resting in ...

  • Dracula, also known as Horror of Dracula in the United States, is a 1958 British horror film. It is the first in the series of Hammer Horror films inspired by the Bram Stoker novel Dracula. It was directed by Terence Fisher, and stars Peter Cushing, Michael Gough, Carol Marsh, Melissa Stribling and Christopher Lee. In the United States, the film was retitled Horror of Dracula to avoid confusion with the 1931 film Dracula starring Bela Lugosi. Production began at Bray Studios on the 17 November 1

Dracula (1958 film) | Universal Monsters Wiki - Fandom

4. horror of dracula (1958) - AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center

  • This 1958 film is the first in horror studio Hammer Films' wildly successful Dracula film series. Christopher Lee's Dracula and Peter Cushing's Doctor Van ...

  • This 1958 film is the first in horror studio Hammer Films' wildly successful Dracula film series. Christopher Lee's Dracula and Peter Cushing's Doctor Van Helsing (the duo's first star pairing, to be reprised dozens of times) battle it out on the big screen, aided by sumptuous color, a pounding score composed by James Bernard, free-flowing fake blood and a bevy of vampire brides. Considered extreme for its day, if relatively PG by today's standards, the film's stylishness remains undiminished. DIR Terence Fisher; SCR Jimmy Sangster, from

horror of dracula (1958) - AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center

5. A Filmmaker's Review: "Dracula" (1958) | Horror - Vocal Media

A Filmmaker's Review:

6. Horror of Dracula (1958) - Mike's Take On the Movies

  • Jul 20, 2022 · Backed by one hell of a score thanks to James Bernard, Hammer's vampire debut is arguably the greatest of all Dracula's to be caught on camera ...

  • In a mere 63 seconds of screen time, Christopher Lee, all but vanquished those who came before him when it comes to portraying the iconic Bram Stoker character on screen in Terence Fisher’s c…

Horror of Dracula (1958) - Mike's Take On the Movies

7. Christopher Lee Blogathon: Dracula (1958) - The Grump Of Horror

  • May 21, 2021 · He is the veteran British actor who replaced the late Bela Lugosi to portray as the famous nobleman & vampire hero Count Dracula produced by ...

  • As part of the Christopher Lee Blogathon hosted by Cinematic Catharsis ( and Realweegiemidget Reviews ( I’m taking a look at my all time favourite horror film… Hammer’s Dracula. J…

Christopher Lee Blogathon: Dracula (1958) - The Grump Of Horror

8. Hammer Dracula: Horror of Dracula + The Brides of Dracula (1958/60, dir ...

  • Oct 5, 2022 · And here it is, next October, and I decided to concentrate on the Dracula Hammer films. There are nine in total, made between 1958 and 1974, ...

  • Last year I decided to do a theme month for October, and watched every Halloween movie, all twelve of them. Some of them were a treat, some a trick (see what I did there?), but I soldiered on and got through them, living to tell the tale at sunrise on November 1st. I said to Craig, “What am I going

Hammer Dracula: Horror of Dracula + The Brides of Dracula (1958/60, dir ...

9. Why Horror of Dracula is still the best, strangest, campiest ... - CrimeReads

  • Oct 27, 2021 · Get this: Jonathan Harker shows up to Castle Dracula on business, but it turns out he's actually a vampire hunter there to stake the Count. He ...

  • I don’t really love Halloween, but I love one of its main characters. I love Dracula. I don’t even care about vampires but I care about Dracula, and, not to presume that the readers of …

Why Horror of Dracula is still the best, strangest, campiest ... - CrimeReads

10. Horror of Dracula - Rotten Tomatoes

  • On a search for his missing friend Jonathan Harker (John Van Eyssen), vampire hunter Dr. Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) is led to Count Dracula's (Christopher ...

  • On a search for his missing friend Jonathan Harker (John Van Eyssen), vampire hunter Dr. Van Helsing (Peter Cushing) is led to Count Dracula's (Christopher Lee) castle. Upon arriving, Van Helsing finds an undead Harker in Dracula's crypt and discovers that the count's next target is Harker's ailing fiancée, Lucy Holmwood (Carol Marsh). With the help of her brother, Arthur (Michael Gough), Van Helsing struggles to protect Lucy and put an end to Count Dracula's parasitic reign of terror.

Horror of Dracula - Rotten Tomatoes

11. Film Review: Horror of Dracula (1958) - Goodness Bea - WordPress.com

  • Jul 1, 2021 · Decades after Bela Lugosi dazzled and terrified as Dracula in Tod Browning's seminal 1931 film, Count Dracula was fiercely resurrected by ...

  • A true classic.

Film Review: Horror of Dracula (1958) - Goodness Bea - WordPress.com

12. Horror of Dracula (1958) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM

  • 1h 22m 1958 Horror of Dracula Brief Synopsis Read More The legendary count tries to turn his enemies' women into his bloodthirsty brides.

  • The legendary count tries to turn his enemies' women into his bloodthirsty brides.

Horror of Dracula (1958) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM

13. Dracula (1958) Review - Hogan Reviews

  • Oct 23, 2021 · Jonathan Harker begets the ire of Count Dracula after he accepts a job at the vampire's castle under false pretenses, forcing his colleague Dr.

  • When um-ing and ah-ing over what horror series to review this Halloween I eventually landed on the Hammer Dracula films, as to me this original Dracula was THE classic version. Obviously the Univer…

Dracula (1958) Review - Hogan Reviews

14. Winter Sucks 2024: The Horror of Dracula (1958) - Gateway Film Center

  • But even as Van Helsing realizes the horrifying truth, Dracula stalks Harker's fiancée, Lucy (Carol Nash), trapping her tortured soul in the terrifying force of ...

  • Experience the revolutionary film that introduced fanged vampires into popular culture. The legendary count (Christopher Lee) tries to turn his enemies' women into his bloodthirsty brides in dir. Terrence Fisher’s initial interpretation of the classic character. | Country: United Kingdom | Language: English

Winter Sucks 2024: The Horror of Dracula (1958) - Gateway Film Center

15. Horror of Dracula (1958): When “Dracula” Became an Action Film

  • Sep 27, 2020 · "Dracula" or "Horror of Dracula" made in 1958 is the first in the Hammer Series to star Christopher Lee as Dracula. This film unlike the ...

  •    “Dracula” or “Horror of Dracula” made in 1958 is the first in the Hammer Series to star Christopher Lee as Dracula. This film unlike the more slow and introspective Lugos…

Horror of Dracula (1958): When “Dracula” Became an Action Film

16. Dracula (1958) - BFI Screenonline

  • Terence Fisher 's Dracula (1958) built on the success of his The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) and inextricably linked Hammer 's name with the horror film.

  • Christopher Lee stars in the first colour telling of the classic vampire tale

17. Dracula (1958) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Oct 11, 2019 · After Jonathan Harker attacks Dracula at his castle, the vampire travels to a nearby city, where he preys on the family of Harker's fiancée.

  • After Jonathan Harker attacks Dracula at his castle, the vampire travels to a nearby city, where he preys on the family of Harker's fiancée. The only one who may be able to protect them is Dr. van Helsing, Harker's friend and fellow-student of vampires, who is determined to destroy Dracula, whatever the cost.

Dracula (1958) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

18. HORROR OF DRACULA (Film Review) - Hollywood Gothique

  • Jonathan Harker comes to Castle Dracula in Transylvania to help the Count purchase property in London, only to discover that his client is a vampire. Back home, ...

  • This full-blooded vampire film (you should pardon the expression) reinvented the image of Count Dracula for a generation of filmgoers,

HORROR OF DRACULA (Film Review) - Hollywood Gothique
Who Is The Dracula (1958) Movie Based On


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.