View All Departments | Dunhams Sports (2024)

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View All Departments | Dunhams Sports (1)

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View All Departments | Dunhams Sports (2)

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  • Can't receive the offers via email? Click below and we will mail your Discount Cards, and Team Weekend Flyers.

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    We understand there may be special circ*mstances that require printed cards. By checking this box, you consent to Dunham's contacting you for further information."; var l1temp=$("#"+wh+" div.checkbox-group > label:eq(0)").html(); var l1=l1temp.replace(l1a, l1b); $("#"+wh+" div.checkbox-group > label:eq(0)").html(l1); //label 2 replace: var l2a="Post a PDF to Internal Site or Member Informational Area"; var l2b="Digital Download
    You will receive an email that includes a PDF that you can post in an informational area or on an internal website. This communication will include instructions on how to download your discount directly to your Mobile Wallet app."; var l2temp=$("#"+wh+" div.checkbox-group > label:eq(1)").html(); var l2=l2temp.replace(l2a, l2b); $("#"+wh+" div.checkbox-group > label:eq(1)").html(l2); $("#"+wh+" div.checkbox-group > label:eq(2)").css("display", "none");}function chSetTeamRadio(){ $("input[name='distributionOffer']").each(function (){ if ($(this).val() == "Email my weekend flyer but Print and Mail my discount cards"){ $(this).val("Email my offers weekend flyer but Print and Mail my discount cards"); } });}function updateHidFormVal(){ document.forms[2].elements.namedItem("ProgramType").value = "Company"; document.forms[3].elements.namedItem("ProgramType").value = "Sportsmens-Club"; document.forms[4].elements.namedItem("ProgramType").value = "Group-Organization"; document.forms[5].elements.namedItem("ProgramType").value = "Team"; if (document.forms[2].action == ""){ document.forms[2].action = ""; } if (document.forms[3].action == ""){ document.forms[3].action = ""; } if (document.forms[4].action == ""){ document.forms[4].action = ""; } if (document.forms[5].action == ""){ document.forms[5].action = ""; }}function handleDropDownCh(whpsearch){ //whpsearch="" if (whpsearch == "company"){ $("#program-select").val("Company").change(); } else if (whpsearch == "sportsmen"){ $("#program-select").val("Sportsmens-Club").change(); } else if (whpsearch == "group-organization"){ $("#program-select").val("Group-Organization").change(); } else if (whpsearch == "team"){ $("#program-select").val("Team").change(); } else if (whpsearch == "military"){ $("#program-select").val("Military").change(); } else { $("#program-select").val("non").change(); } updateHidFormVal();}function updateHeaderTxt(wh){ $("#discountsbody > h1").html(wh);}function setUrlParam(whpParam){ const url = new URL(window.location); url.searchParams.set('whp', whpParam); window.history.pushState({}, '', url);}function chDiscountQSTR(){ if(cururl.indexOf('/Discounts-Show')!=-1||cururl.indexOf('/discounts-show')!=-1){ updateDisProDD(); dicururl = "" + window.location.href; whpsearch = gPBN('whp', dicururl.toLowerCase()); handleDropDownCh(whpsearch); //alert(whpsearch); //console.log("IN: hpcaroscont"); if(whpsearch!="non"&&whpsearch!=""){ //console.log("HIDE: hpcaroscont"); $(".hpcaroscont").css("display", "none"); } }}function updSportsDD(){ var ns1="

    \n"; ns1+="

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    View All Departments | Dunhams Sports (2024)


    Who owns Dunham's Sports? ›

    Dunham's Sports is an American sporting goods retail chain owned by Dunham's Athleisure Corporation, with stores located in the Midwestern to Southeastern United States.

    How many Dunham's sports locations are there? ›

    Every one of our over 250 stores nationally offers a full line of traditional sporting goods and athletic equipment as well as a wide variety of active and casual sports apparel and footwear.

    Does Dunhams have a mobile app? ›

    Dunham's Sports - Check out the new Dunham's app! Get alerts for coupons, new sales, local events & sweepstakes.

    How do I check my Dunham's gift card? ›

    At this time, Gift Cards can be purchased at any of our Dunham's Sports stores or online at Additionally, Dunham's Gift Card balance inquires can only be obtained at the store level. Please bring your gift card into your local Dunham's Sports store and they will obtain your balance.

    Did Dunhams stop selling Nike? ›

    31 Mar Report: Nike To Stop Selling To Six Additional Wholesale Accounts. In a note, Williams Trading's Analyst, Sam Poser, stated that proprietary checks confirm that Nike will close six additional wholesale accounts: DSW, Urban Outfitters, Shoe Show, Dunham's Sports, Olympia Sports, and Big Five.

    Where is Dunham's Sports headquarters? ›

    Does Dunham's give a military discount? ›

    Year-round: Dunham's Sports military discount applies throughout the entire year. 10 percent off: The 10% discount is valid on regular prices only. Exclusions may apply* Military ID: Members must present their card to the cashier at the time of purchase.

    Can you use Dunham's coupons on firearms? ›

    Excludes Firearms, Ammunition, Nike & Under Armour. Additional exclusions may apply, see for details. Not valid for online purchases or Gift Cards. Cannot be used with another offer, coupon, current sale, or clearance item.

    Why am I getting emails from Dunham Sports? ›

    Dunham's Sports does occasionally sponsor/promote contests and sweepstakes. These may involve e-mail, social media, text message campaigns, etc.

    How can I tell how much is left on my gift card? ›

    Start by looking at the back of your gift card. Typically, you'll find a toll-free number you can call to discover your balance. Or you can check your balance by visiting the card issuer's site and entering your card's 16-digit number and security code.

    Which one is my gift card number? ›

    Your Gift Card number and PIN number are printed on the back of your card. PIN: Printed near the right side of the card. Gift Card Number: This 16-digit number is printed below the PIN and begins with "604". On some cards, this number is printed above a magnetic stripe and will contain exactly 16 digits.

    How do I find my gift card details? ›

    Most gift cards will have a toll-free number on the back of them that you can call to get your balance. Flip the card over to the side with the black card strip and locate the phone number on the back of the card. Some cards will have 2 numbers--one for customer service and one for balance inquiries.

    Where did Dunham's originate? ›

    Dunham's Sports, one of the largest full-line sporting goods chains in the U.S., was founded in 1937 as Dunham's Bait & Tackle. We got our start in Waterford, Michigan, just outside Detroit, and today we have our corporate home in Troy, Michigan.

    Who owns DK Pittsburgh Sports? ›

    Dejan Kovacevic, born in Downtown Pittsburgh and raised in Monroeville, is the columnist, creator and owner of DK Pittsburgh Sports.

    Who owns Dunham boots? ›

    In 1998, the Dunham brand was acquired by New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.

    What is the history of Dunham shoes? ›

    Our story began in 1885 in Brattleboro, Vermont, with 2 brothers, George and Charles Dunham, selling handcrafted boots to outdoor pioneers looking to survive the rigors of New England.


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    Article information

    Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6367

    Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

    Birthday: 2001-07-17

    Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

    Phone: +5934435460663

    Job: Central Hospitality Director

    Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

    Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.