[Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Farming Levels That Are Excellent! (2024)


There’s a reason most Empires and Puzzles players pool their hard-earned loot tickets and Red World Energy Flasks, only to spend them all when Atlantis Rises - it’s because ALL stages in it will have reduced costs to play them, and give increased loot, to boot! This means that farming your much-needed resources for crafting battle items, as well as training feeder heroes, is best done during the limited time this event is up!

There'salsoa chance for any enemy to be replaced by an Orichalcum Seadragon which, when defeated, will give players Atlantis coins.Accumulate 100 coins and you can summon a hero for free!

With these bonuses in mind, here are our Top 10 Best Farming Levels That Are Excellent, specifically in Season II.

10. Province 3, Stage 4 Normal

Empires and Puzzles - Atlantis - Fire Enemies

Getting an elemental chest within Atlantis Rising is kind of a two-for-one deal - you get to farm for both better loot and higher experience, as well as get high-level ascension materials or other valuable items as rewards for filling up the chest!

Should you get a Fire elemental chest, just go straight to Season II, Province 3 (Buccaneer Bay) Stage 4 in order to meet your quota of defeating 150 Fire enemies. There are 4 waves, with each of the first 3 waves giving you 3-4 Fire enemies, while the 4th wave includes a boss of the Holy element. Use your loot tickets to get to the rewards quickly, or fight through the battle - it’s up to you! But the result will definitely be worth it.

What Makes Province 3-4 Normal Great For Farming:

  • Spawns Fire enemies, which is perfect when farming them for a Fire chest
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items and further developing your heroes

9. Province 5, Stage 2 Normal

Empires and Puzzles - Atlantis - Farming for Dark Enemies

If you’re lucky enough to spawn a Dark elemental chest, go to Province 5 (Concordia Lakeside) Stage 2. You’ll see that it’s a Special Stage, as the battle takes place during a Magic Night. This means that all your heroes’ mana generation is doubled but at the cost of normal damage being halved. Status effects cast by your team to the enemy only last for 1 turn too, so you may opt to use a team relying on brute strength instead!

There are 4 waves of enemies here, with each wave spawning either Ice or Dark enemies. Just keep tackling this stage, either by using your loot tickets or manually playing it, and soon you’ll meet that target of 150 Dark enemies!

What Makes Province 5-2 Great For Farming:

  • Spawns Dark enemies, which is perfect when farming them for a Dark chest
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items and further developing your heroes

8. Province 8, Stage 2 Normal

Empires and Puzzles - Atlantis - Farming for Ice Enemies

What if you get an Ice elemental chest, you ask? Look no further than Province 8 (Ivory Cape), Stage 2. Each of the first 3 waves can give you 3-5 Ice enemies, while the final boss in the 4th wave is of the Dark element. Better bring a good team of Nature Heroes to get through the level quickly without using your loot ticket!

Like most Atlantis stages, tackling this stage repeatedly gives you a ton of resources too. Perfect for when you’re crafting much-needed battle items - especially for Titan battles! - as well as leveling up your heroes to the max!

What Makes Province 5-2 Great For Farming:

  • Spawns Ice enemies, which is perfect when farming them for an Ice chest
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items and further developing your heroes

7. Province 7, Stage 1 Normal

Empires and Puzzles - Atlantis - Farming for Nature Enemies

Meanwhile, if you’re blessed with a Nature elemental chest? Then head towards Province 7 (South Chaparral) Stage 1! This one has 5 waves instead of the usual 3 or 4, with each wave spawning 3-4 Nature enemies too, so it’ll be a fantastic idea to bring a mostly-fire team with you when farming enemies. The final wave gives you a boss of the Dark element, but it shouldn’t be too much of a problem anyway!

Given the number of foes here? It shouldn’t take you too long to defeat 150 nature enemies. Now go enjoy the fruits of your labor when you open your chest!

What Makes Province 7-1 Great For Farming:

  • Spawns Nature enemies, which is perfect when farming themfor a Nature chest
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items and further developing your heroes

6. Province 13, Stage 1 Normal

Empires and Puzzles - Atlantis - Farming for Holy Enemies

Lastly, if you get a Holy elemental chest? Go to Province 13 (Oceanic Forest), Stage 1. This has 5 waves, with each wave spawning 3-4 Holy enemies, while the main boss is a Dark element. It’s not a bad idea to bring a group of Dark heroes, but fair warning: like all stages, they get progressively harder the further you go, and with Dark and Holy having this special relationship where they’re both weak and strong against each other? It’s always better to be careful than waste your world energy if you lose, so better bring healers with you just in case.

Given the number of Holy foes here, however? Filling up your quota of defeating 150 Holy enemies should be a breeze, so you get to enjoy your loot from a Holy chest afterward!

What Makes Province 13-1 Great For Farming:

  • Spawns Holy enemies, which is perfect when farming them for a Holy chest
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items and further developing your heroes

5. Province 9, Stage 10 Normal

The best farming Atlantis Rises

There are some benefits to upping your player level - the best being that your world energy limit will be increased, so you get to finishmore stages before needing a refill from a flask or waiting to be recharged. That’s why if you’re after getting more experience, look no further than Province 9 (Lost Lagoon), Stage 10!

Here, you’ll get 640 XP per flag used - and since you’ll need 3 flags to play the stage, that means you can easily get 1920 XP each time you finish the stage, which is higher than you’ll usually get from tackling other stages! Not bad if you really want to finish Atlantis Rising one - or more - levels higher than when you first started it. As a bonus, you can also get trainer heroes and troops to use for developing your own heroes when tackling this stage too. That means your team will get to grow with you!

What Makes Province 9-10 Great For Farming:

  • Great to farm when aiming to get more XP
  • Drops feeder heroes and troops to further develop your team
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items

4. Province 1, Stage 3 Normal

Empires & Puzzles - Hunting Adventurer's Kit, Atlantis Coins/Farm on 1-03 Normal Stage October 2021

Any player will tell you that one of the most important resources you’ll ever need in this game is an Adventure’s Kit - or a backpack. You’ll need a lot of it, especially when running the second level of your Training Camp (TC2) to churn out one 1* or 2* heroes every 30 minutes for your higher-leveled heroes to feed on! And this is why Province 1 (Privateer Cove), Stage 3 is a favorite farming level - because it can give a lot of backpacks per run!

Being a lower-leveled stage in Atlantis means every battle can just be set to automatic provided you have a decent team - so that you can do other things while farming this stage repeatedly. Given that it’s Atlantis Rising? You’ll accumulate tons of other crafting materials too while at it, too!

What Province 1-3 Great For Farming:

  • Drops a lot of Adventure’s Kit, which is valuable for training feeder heroes
  • Battles can be set to automatic, provided you have a decent team
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items

3. Province 1, Stage 9 Normal

Best stages to farm during Atlantis Rising in Empires and Puzzles

What if you want a stage that offers both Adventure’s Kits and higher XP, but aren’t strong enough to tackle the higher stages in Atlantis? Look no further than Province 1 (Privateer Cove), Stage 9! This one gives 1550 XP per 3 world energies, as opposed to, say, 1440 XP in Province 1, Stage 3 - so more XP is a go. It has a high chance of dropping 1 or more Adventure’s Kits per battle too, which is exactly what you need to keep your Training Camps running - and feeder heroes a’churning!

Like always, this stage also drops other items you’ll definitely need for crafting battle items and the like, so tackle this stage repeatedly and soon you and your heroes will be powerful enough to take on the game’s high difficulty stages without any problem!

What Makes Province 1-9 Great For Farming:

  • Offers higher XP per battle
  • High chance of dropping more than one Adventure Kit per run
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items

2. Province 15, Stage 9 Normal

Empires and puzzles best loot stage, recruits

Alongside your Adventure’s Kit, another extremely valuable resource to farm from Atlantis are your recruits! They are the ones you turn into heroes - provided you have other resources at your disposal, too. For reference, you’ll need more than 100 Recruits for one shot at getting a 5* hero from your TC20, or when training 3* - 5* heroes in your Hero Academy, so better stock up on them as much as you can - which is where Atlantis Rising comes in handy!

In Province 15 (Purato Plateau), Stage 9, 4 world energies can yield as much as 30 recruits each, which you can safely tuck into your Training Camps for future use. You can also get a lot of other valuable resources from repeatedly tackling this stage too, so better take advantage of it! Fair warning though, this is a Poison Mist stage, so your heroes are damaged every turn as if they’re poisoned. You may want to use your loot tickets for this stage - or just brave through the battle manually like a hero!

What Makes Province 15-9 Great For Farming:

  • Drops a lot of recruits per battle, which you can use to develop your heroes
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items

1. Province 15, Stage 8 Hard

E&P Tips and Tricks - 50 recruits from one stage(Atlantis)

And now we come to the stages where you’ll definitely want to use your loot tickets for, just so you won’t have to face the hassle of battling them over and over again. In Atlantis, be wary when you see a stage labeled ‘Hard’ - you’ll definitely see a sharp spike of difficulty from its Normal version!

Province 15 (Purato Plateau), Stage 8 gives a lot of recruits per run - and it should, considering how hard the battle is! It can offer at least 50 recruits per 9 world energy, as well as a ton of other resources that you’ll definitely need - either for crafting battle items, developing your heroes, or maximizing your Alchemy Lab. And hey - while we say use your loot tickets in it, what’s to stop you from trying your team’s strength by putting the battle on auto? At least you’ll see firsthand just how tough-to-beat your team currently is!

What Makes Province 15-8 Hard Great For Farming:

  • Ideal to use your loot tickets in considering the spike in difficulty over Normal
  • Drops a lot of recruits per battle, which you can use to develop your heroes
  • Drops a lot of valuable resources for crafting items

And there you have it! Make sure to be on the lookout when Atlantis Rises, just so you can take advantage of how fantastic its stages are for farming valuable resources. Happy looting!

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[Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Farming Levels That Are Excellent! (2024)


What is the best level for farming empires and puzzles? ›

The best ratio of XP per Energy point is offered by the following missions: 7-4 (for beginners), 9-1, 12-9, 17-1 (for intermediate players), 20-4, and 23-10 (for advanced players). The latter of these missions offers the highest ratio of XP per Energy point and will grant a whopping 405 XP per Energy.

What is the best level for recruits in empires and puzzles? ›

8-7 is my favorite level to run (max recruits!). Once you get to 8-7, this will be where you spend all those excess world energy flags. Why? It gives nearly the best xp for 3 flags (9-1 gives slightly more), lots of items and 8 to 10 recruits each run!

What is the best way to level up heroes in empires and puzzles? ›

Training heroes with other same-element heroes provides 20% more experience than off-element heroes, as well as double chance of the original's special skill upgrading. Leveling up a hero's special skill has a 5x greater chance if the hero is at max level.

Where can I farm food empires and puzzles? ›

The primary source of food is farms and the watchtower. Food is generated at a specific rate per hour (detailed on each building's page). Each upgrade increases the amount generated.

How do you level up farming skills fast? ›

To level up farming skill requires experience points, which are gained by harvesting crops, petting farm animals, milking cows or goats, shearing sheep, and picking up animal products inside a coop. Animal products worth 20% more. Crops worth 10% more.

Who is the best character to limit break in empires and puzzles? ›

Who Should You Limit Break, again? (Empires and Puzzles) For me, Ludwig was always going to be my first choice because the Taunt adds a layer of early functionality to an already powerful, yet slow, Hero. -None of my other Heroes could offer the same level of practicality with their Aether Powers.

Who are the best 3 star heroes in empires and puzzles? ›

Ice ( ) 3 Star Hero - Pick up to 5
  • Chick Jr.
  • Dawn.
  • Frosty.
  • Greymane.
  • Guardian Lemur.
  • Gunnar.
  • Helo.
  • Jarif.
Jun 23, 2023

What is the best position for heroes in empires and puzzles? ›

the left side should be reserved for heroes who will help the heroes who will fire next (in case everyone is charged up at the same time) - revivers, dispelers, attack buffers, defence debuffers, healing buffers, healers (healers should fire earlier since if the hero who fires afterwards hits a hero with riposte, they ...

What is the best red stage in empires and puzzles? ›

20-4 is the best Season 1 level for red. The others will also work, in descending order. In fairness, there isn't really an ideal level for farming red monsters for the chests, but 20/4 is the least bad in my experience.

What is the max hero capacity in empires and puzzles? ›

You can expand your Hero roster with Gems by tapping + near your Heroes counter or by scrolling to the bottom of the game screen and tapping the Get More Slots button. The maximum capacity available is 160 slots. You can get more slots by gaining VIP levels.

What is considered a legendary hero in empires and puzzles? ›

Legendary Heroes. Classic Heroes accessible in all summons except Epic Troop Summons; includes Season 2, Season 3, Challenge Event and Seasonal Event heroes. All Heroes of the Month are Legendary Heroes.

How do you find a good alliance empires and puzzles? ›

You can find an Alliance by searching the Alliance Recruitment Channel or by tapping on the Alliance icon. Before sending a request to join, please read each Alliance description carefully, as some Alliances have minimum join requirements or language preferences.

Where can I farm recruits in empires and puzzles? ›

You obtain recruits primarily by playing stages on the map. You can also obtain a few recruits by winning raids in the gold arena and above. world energy and often drops 8 - 11 recruits. Additionally there will be "Find Recruits" quests on the Events map from time to time.

Can I sell my empires and puzzles account? ›

Buying, Selling, Gifting and/or Sharing Accounts is prohibited by our Terms of Service.

How many farms can you have in Empires and Puzzles? ›

As you level up your Stronghold you gain the ability to build more farms, specifically at levels 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, and 20. This means that there is a maximum of 9 farms total that one may have running at once.

What is the best class for farm in rise of empires? ›

I can summarize very superficially that farmer has its main advantage in gathering score, that is huge, and can make him open 9 boxes in very few hours. Players who choose to take on this role will have an extremely high bonus when harvesting a particular resource type of their choice.

What is the highest level of farming in skyblock? ›

Farming is one of the 12 Skills players can level up as they earn Farming XP. By default, the max Farming level obtainable is 50, however this cap can be increased up to 60 by purchasing upgrades at Anita's Shop with Golden Medals from Jacob's Farming Contest.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.