5 min read · Dec 28, 2021
8 Puzzle Problem Description:
Given a 3×3 board with 8 tiles (every tile has one number from 1 to 8) and one blank space. The objective is to place the numbers on tiles to obtain the final state using the empty space. We can move four adjacent (left, right, top, and bottom) tiles into the blank space.
A* Algorithm:
A* is a computer algorithm that is widely used in pathfinding and graph traversal, the process of plotting an efficiently traversable path between multiple points, called nodes.
The key feature of the A* algorithm is that it keeps a track of each visited node which helps in ignoring the nodes that are already visited, saving a huge amount of time. The search for an goal node can often be speeded by using a cost function to avoid searching in sub-trees that do not contain an answer node
Here, the function used is,
F(n) = g(n) + h(n) where
g(n) = cost of reaching the current node from the root .
g(n) used in this implementation is the depth of current node
h(n) = Estimated cost of reaching goal node from node n.
h(n) used in this implementation is the number of non-blank tiles not in
their goal position
We first move the empty space in all the possible directions in the start state and calculate the F(n) for each state. This is called expanding the current state.
After expanding the current state, it is pushed into the closed list and the newly generated states are pushed into the open list. A state with the least F(n) value is selected and expanded again. This process continues until the goal state occurs as the current state. After reaching the goal state, then we can output the path through which the initial state has reached goal state
Code :
import copy
class Puzzle:
def __init__(self,size):
“”” Initialize the puzzle size by the specified size,open and closed lists to empty “””
self.n = size
self.open_list = []
self.closed_list = []
def h_value(self,list,goal):
“””To compute estimated cost of reaching goal node.h(n) is the number of non-blank tiles not in
their goal position”””
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.n):
“””if value at any position is not matching with the goal, increase the count”””
if not (list[i][j] == goal[i][j]) and not (list[i][j]==’_’):
return count
def g_value(self, node):
“””Computes the cost of generation of given node from initial state,g(n).
g(n) is the length of the path from initial node to given node n “””
return node.level
def accept(self):
“”” Accept input matrix from the user “””
matrix = []
for i in range(self.n):
print(“Enter row “,i+1,” values separated by space “)
row = input().split(“ “)
return matrix
def sort(self,open_list):
“””Sorts the nodes in open list based on thier f value”””
for i in range(length-1):
for j in range(length-i-1):
if open_list[j].fvalue>open_list[j+1].fvalue:
open_list[j],open_list[j+1]=open_list[j+1], open_list[j]
def print_path(self,node):
“””Outputs the least-cost path”””
if node is not None:
“””Recursively call the function until it reaches initial node and output the path from initial node to goal state”””
print(“ ↓ “)
def find_fvalue(self,node,goal):
“””Computes f(n) value,f(n)=g(n)+h(n)”””
return self.g_value(node)+self.h_value(node.state,goal)
def solve(self,start,goal):
start.fvalue = self.find_fvalue(start,goal)
“”” Put the start node in the open list”””
while self.open_list is not None:
“””Pick the node with least f(n) value”””
current_node = self.open_list[0]
“”” If the difference between current and goal node is 0 we have reached the goal node “””
if(self.h_value(current_node.state,goal) == 0):
“””output the least-cost path and terminate “””
print(“The least cost path from initial state to final state is as follows:”)
if children is not None:
for child in children:
“””for each child compute f(n) and add it to open list”””
child.fvalue = self.find_fvalue(child,goal)
“”” add child nodes in open list”””
“”” Add current node into closed list after exploring its child nodes and remove it from open list”””
del self.open_list[0]
“”” sort the open list based on f value of the nodes”””
class Node:
def __init__(self,parent,state, level, fvalue):
“”” Initialize the node with the parent node ,state, level of the node and the calculated f(node) value “””
self.parent = parent
self.state = state
self.level = level
self.fvalue = fvalue
def find_position(self, x):
“”” Used to find the position of the blank space(_) “””
for i in range(len(self.state)):
for j in range(len(self.state)):
if self.state[i][j] == x:
return i, j
def printMatrix(self):
“”” Used to print the state of the node”””
for row in self.state:
def generate_child(self):
“”” To generate child nodes of a node,by moving the blank space in all directions
i.e,to the left,right,top and bottom”””
children = []
if self.find_position(‘_’) is None:
print(“Error,the start matrix has no blank(‘_’) space”)
return None
x,y = self.find_position(‘_’)
if x > 0: # condition to check whether blank space can be moved to top
top = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
“””Shuffle blank space and its top tile”””
top[x][y], top[x — 1][y] = top[x — 1][y],top[x][y]
“””create child node after shuffling blank space”””
child = Node(self,top, self.level + 1, 0)
if y > 0: # condition to check whether blank space can be moved to left:
left = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
“””Shuffle blank space and its left side tile”””
left[x][y], left[x][y — 1] = left[x][y — 1],left[x][y]
“””create child node after shuffling blank space”””
child = Node(self,left, self.level + 1, 0)
if x < len(self.state)-1: # condition to check whether blank space can be moved to bottom
bottom = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
“””Shuffle blank space and its bottom tile”””
bottom[x][y], bottom[x + 1][y] = bottom[x + 1][y],bottom[x][y]
“””create child node after shuffling blank space”””
child = Node(self,bottom, self.level + 1, 0)
if y < len(self.state)-1: # condition to check whether blank space can be moved to right
right = copy.deepcopy(self.state)
“””Shuffle blank space and its right side tile”””
right[x][y], right[x][y + 1] = right[x][y + 1],right[x][y]
“””create child node after shuffling blank space”””
child = Node(self,right, self.level + 1, 0)
return children
# driver Code
print(“””Enter the initial state matrix
NOTE: Enter underscore, ‘_’ , instead of a blank space”””)
print(“””Enter the goal state matrix
NOTE: Enter underscore, ‘_’ , instead of a blank space”””)
You can also see the implementation of this problem solution here:https://github.com/saikrishnakota58/8-Puzzle-solver-A-star-algorithm