Perturbation - Seiberwing - Final Fantasy XIV [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Moenbryda was Urianger's first introduction to the idea that inspiration and courage could come from something other than a book. He had no peers, no siblings, and absentee parents, so his population of inspiring figures was restricted almost entirely to the historical or the fictional. And then she had shown up in his life.

Well. She had been 'he' back then, though she'd put the pieces together so quickly and cleverly. Younger than most to such a revelation, and with parents who heeded its truth, so that the alchemists had worked their magicks upon her before she she was forced to suffer the cruelties of an unwanted pubescence. To see her now could be likened to seeing a perfect marble statue of a goddess, after first seeing the marbled rough stone. The stone had been powerful and imposing, but the statue was beauty incarnate, a balm to the weary and a muse to the artist.

When Urianger had followed in suit several years later, he'd briefly been accused of simply following her trend, the same way he followed her around in most other things. It had planted the most horrible doubts in his head, to hear such an accusation from the letter his parents sent in response to the announcement he'd spent weeks drafting and rewriting. Had it been just that he'd seen the way Moenbryda shone like sunlight when you called her name? Had it been the joy he'd desired, and not her apotheosis to a truer form of the self? The question had plagued him into a morass of inescapable anxiety.

It had been Moenbryda herself who had smacked some sense into him about it. First literally, with a light blow to the back of the head, and then with a several hour session of carefully dissecting every argument Urianger could mount against himself, until he was teary-eyed and shaking in front of a chalkboard containing multiple analytical diagrams. Meanwhile her parents had sent a strongly worded letter back to Urianger's parents, the contents of which Urianger did not know but had apparently cowed them so utterly that the only reply was a signed form authorizing Urianger to seek whatever arrangement the Bloefhswyns saw fit for him to have. They did err in his name on several occasions but Urianger would not attribute malice to such a gesture…quite frankly, there were days when Urianger was shocked his parents-by-blood remembered he existed at all.

The change of name and term of address had been enough, for now. As an elezen he was blessed with a slender frame and a small chest regardless of his birth sex; an Au Ra or Roegedayn would have been far less lucky in his position. The rest was hiding in his lumpy clothes and denying the nature of his flesh to the world, but even to hear 'Urianger' called from across a room brought him a slice of peace to a torment he had not even known he was enduring. Perhaps one day he might allow his body to be reshaped in its entirety, but for now the regular potions that put delicate peach fuzz on his cheeks and dropped his voice to a pleasing tenor were enough.

But in truth, Urianger did have a tendency to follow Moenbryda around. She had a natural charisma that compelled him like a comet pulled into the orbit of a star. Urianger followed her to the New Sharlayan colony in Dravania, where he could study Eorzean prophecy and aetherology among a host of likeminded peers and where no one minded if they shared lodgings together. He followed her to the strange social engagements she dragged him to, where he began the careful and delicate practice of cultivating an actual social circle.

And he followed her into bed, which honestly felt like the natural continuation of their friendship. There was no one else he'd rather trust his body to. No one else he could trust, even if Moenbryda teased him that Master Louisoix's rough-hewn ward seemed to have an eye for him. She had other partners, of course, and made it clear she would allow him the same, but it was only her hands that Urianger trusted beneath the cavernous armor of his robes.

Which meant the very idea of offending her - of harming her, in any way - was anathema to Urianger. No matter what his other twisted, dark desires were.

* * *

The door slammed open as Moenbryda burst into the cramped, book-laden room that she shared with Urianger. She was dressed in loose trousers and a tight binding-undershirt, her hair tied back at the base of her head, and her gear bag hung over her right shoulder.

"Gods be good, you are not going to believe why they canceled Blitzball this week."

"Moenbryda! I had thought thee engaged in thine athletics until the compline hours." Urianger went rail-stuff where he lay in his narrow bed, clutching at the blankets and keeping them pulled up to his neck. He feigned a smile as he watched her shuck her cloak, undo her hair tie, and run fingers through her wind-tousled hair.

"Yeah, but it turns out the other team's captain got into it with the locals because the field's by a fish migration site or something? So now we have salmon drama."

"Ah. How tragic."

Urianger kept still as Moenbryda went about changing her clothes, relating the varying intricacies of the salmon drama. It was only on his third 'hm!' of noncommittal interest that she finally turned her thoughtful gaze upon him.

"Why are you still in bed by this hour, anyway? And in your day clothes, even."

In his day robe, at least. Urianger was really hoping she didn't notice that his trousers were folded on the dresser next to him. "Ah, I was. Feeling a malaise. Perhaps I overexerted myself in mine studies and succumbed." Urianger lay back down again in his blankets and affected a small pitiable cough.

Moenbryda's face twisted with concern, and Urianger felt the pang of guilt that came with lying to his dearest friend on the star. "You need me to pop by the clinic and grab you something? Or some soup?"

Forgive this wretch, dear Moenbryda, for such deception is only for thine own protection. Urianger nodded weakly. "Yes, that would be a most compassionate act! Wouldst thou travel to the commissary to obtain for me some nourishment to combat this ailment?" Anything to get her out of the room, if only for a moment.

"Of course, of course. You really have to pace yourself, you know–"

It almost worked. Almost. Moenbryda was already pulling her boots on and was about to leave the room. Then Urianger's leg shifted just wrong and his elaborately constructed facade came crashing down.

There was a delicate thud of an impact beside the bed that seemed to resonate throughout the room, vastly disproportionate to its size, a cavernous echo that rung in Uriangier's ears as he knew exactly what he'd just knocked to the floor. He watched in terror as Moenbryda's eyes reflexively angled downward to where the polished wood phallus lay innocently next to the bedpost.

And then, more was the terror, she smiled, a malicious and sinister grin such as one would find on a dire wolf's maw just before it began to feast.

"I think I see why you're so eager to remain in bed," Moenbryda chuckled.


"Nothing wrong with having a little private time to yourself, Urianger. Here, let me just put this back where it came from–"

"No, prithee–"

But she'd moved too fast, grabbing the still-warm toy and throwing back the covers despite Urianger's panicked flailing, only to find the bedsheets concealed three larger toys - one of which was firmly inserted inside its owner, the flared base stretching the reddened edges of his opening. Two other toys lay by his thigh, close to hand. The smaller was slick and had clearly seen recent use, while the larger remained pristine.

The toy inside Urianger twitched as he tensed up, covering his red face with one hand and his groin with the other.

Lord Thal, descend upon me with thine flame and consume me in an instant, that I be swept to the safety of the aetherial sea and away from this most horrible of social catastrophes…

"Oh, my," Moenbryda was saying, staring directly at Urianger's groin, despite Urianger's weak and blushing pleas that she avert her gaze.

"I mean, it's nothing I haven't seen before,Uri," she said, dropping the blanket. "Or tasted."

The way she flicked her tongue out between her teeth lasciviously only made Urianger's blush intensify. He curled his legs in on himself as much as he could with the fat toy still inside him, hiding his face in the pillows.

"Moenbryda, prithee, cease thy taunts!"

"I'm not mad, I promise. It's not like we haven't done worse things in that bed anyway…"

And then Moenbryda went silent, which was even more terrifying than her mockery. When Urianger finally looked up again, Moenbryda had the other set of toys in her hand and was comparing their sizing. The untouched largest one she stared at a moment, then held down by her groin, as if making a mental comparison.

"You know, Urianger. I can't help but notice you seem to be…"


"Training up in sizes. And this last one is about the same dimension as…."

Urianger made a whining little nod, his eyes scrunching close as he tried to smother himself to unconsciousness in his own pillows.

The quiet that followed chilled his bones, until he felt a gentle hand at the back of his head, stroking his hair. The bed shifted as Moenbryda sat down beside him. Slowly Urianger's body unclenched as her fingers ran up the pale edge of his ear.

"Urianger, you are the only person I know who gets nervous about being sexually attracted to the person you're already having sex with. You are allowed to say you want things in bed, you know."

"I did not…" Urianger made a frustrated whimper against the pillow and started again. "I know there have been many who have courted thee only for thine anatomy, and have wounded thee with their objectifying cruelty. I would not do thee such unkindness. What carnal delights thou hast given me I cherish, and I would not petition for more."

The Sharleyan urge to categorize applied to emotions as it did to all other matters, and if pressed Urianger might call what he felt for Moenbryda more the love felt for a dear friend than a romantic love. Moenbryda felt the same, and had said so most overtly. (It would be many more years before he felt that emotion rise in his breast at all, and from a most unlikely source. The man Urianger was now would laugh to think that the rude, unacademic Waters boy would one day kindle such emotion in his heart, let alone his groin.)

But he did love Moenbryda, most ardently, and would rather leap from a bridge than see her suffer the faintest insult.

The bed shifted again, and Urianger felt the soft press of lips next to the corner of his tightly closed eye.

"Urianger, my fussy little professor. Always overthinking things. I have this body because it's the body I want to have. If I didn't want it, I'd change it, like I changed the parts I didn't want."

"Thou doth make a valid point…" Urianger agreed reluctantly.

"And I don't have a problem sharing it with people who appreciate it, as long as they appreciate me too." The next kiss moved to his ear, her tonguetip teasing along the pointed cartilage. His leg kicked reflexively, and he let out a moan as the toy shifted position.

Still by his ear, Moenbryda put a hand on his cheek and whispered, "Especially when those people are cute and flustered boys that are just begging to have me filling them up."

Urianger's breath hitched. He opened one eye, watching as her hand slowly ran down the length of his body that the blankets still covered, shoulder down to rear.

"We don't have to go any further than what we both want, okay?" she said, making circles around the sharp bump of his hip bone. "We're the only ones making the rules here. But I do have the afternoon free, and I'd really like to spend it having a little fun with my best friend."

Urianger felt his heart melt at the sight of her smiling down at him. Gods, he did not deserve to have this woman in his life. Slowly, through deliberate effort, he let his body finally untense. Moenbryda sat back to work her shirt off as Urianger rolled onto his back, knees slightly apart. He pulled the blankets back up to his chin, leaving his chest covered and his lower parts bare.

"I wouldst savor whatever wouldst give thee the most pleasure, for thine ardor art mine ardor," he managed, still blushing.

Moenbryda regarded the space between his legs with the same fondness she gave to the rest of Urianger, reaching forward to gently press on the base of the toy and grinning at the happy little sigh it evoked.

"Then I think we should carry on with your plan. Train that sweet hole of yours to take a little more, then a bit more than that, and if you're a very good student I'll give you as much of me as you can handle. Does that sound good?" She kissed his stomach just below his navel. Urianger gave a weak nod, stroking the soft short hair of her undercut with his thumb. Teacher-student kink was a society-wide affliction in Old Sharleyan, and Moenbryda knew it.


He let out a soft groan as Moenbryda drew the toy out from him. She'd retrieved the oils they kept in the bedside table, usually for a different orifice entirely, and was rubbing it across the polished wood of the second to largest toy. Urianger tensed at her touch, until the slow and caring application of her tongue made him melt into the bedsheets.

"Deep breath, mate, in and out."

Urianger drew in air, let it flow out through his nose, and whimpered at the slow press of the toy inside him.

"Elezen boys have such narrow hips," Moenbryda was saying. "It makes everything down there so nice and tight."

"Hast thou…made a full survey of such matters?" Urianger grunted, trying to spread his legs further.

"What do you think?"

"Aside mine observations of thine former partners, I think you have…a most scientific approach to the sensual…and would not put it past some of our colleagues to do a comparative study of anatomy." Urianger winced, but raised his hand to soothe her concerns.

"The passage…'tis tight, but not unbearable. Go slowly, I beg of thee?"

"As slow as you want, scholar boy."

Urianger paced his breaths until she'd bottomed out, leaving the toy inside to let him adjust as she peppered his torso with kisses again. His own hands wandered where they could, touching the powerful broad shoulders that hefted furniture and other students like they were made of plaster, down to her chest, where her undergarments were just barely constraining her beautiful, heavy bosom.

"I–I believe I may be best prepared…."

"Okay. One more."

The emptiness inside him now felt unbearable, when Moenbryda pulled the toy out again. Urianger's long fingers clawed against the sheets, watching Moenbryda ready the final toy. The shame at being so wanton and eager was mitigated by seeing the growing ridge between Moenbryda's thighs, a thick line barely contained by cornflower blue undergarments. He had often felt guilty for letting himself stare, for even considering touching it - and with so much else of her to touch and be touched by, he had been quite sated anyway. But now he found his hunger near to overcame him, so much so that he could barely remain still when she filled him once again. He begged, flustered, his words tangling around his own tongue, but Moenbryda remained resolute.

"No, sweetheart, we do this in order. I'm not taking you down to the university clinic with the world's most embarrassing injury."

She had to hold him down now, one leg hooked over her arm to spread him even wider. Each ilm burned in the most beautiful way, at each moment he was sure he'd been filled to the brim only to find himself opened further still.

"Would you be satisfied with just the toy?" she teased, mouthing at his ear.

"No! Gods no!"

"You want me specifically? Hot and hard in you?"


"No better compliment than that."

Urianger looked down the length of his body, stomach tossing with humiliation and arousal in equal measure, the two sensations coiling about and enhancing each other. The blanket still covering his small chest led down to the soft dusting of grey hair between his legs and beyond that the small wooden curve of the end of the toy, where it stretched the rim of his hole to what seemed an obscene extent.

Moenbryda leaned back from the bed and Urianger reached out for her weakly. She held up a finger for 'one moment' and his arm fell again. He watched in awe as she stripped out of her underwear, letting him devour her with his eyes - thick round breasts, ample and soft as pillows, making his mouth water with the desire to caress them. And then finally, the last piece was gone, and Urianger let himself gaze upon the final part of her he'd yet to savor - the thick erection, darker blue than the rest of her skin, smooth as silk and damp at the tip.

"You're still taking your weekly potion, yeah? No little scholar babies for us?"


Moenbryda was looking at him just as openly, her eyes raking down his body like he was a feast laid out for her. For anyone else's gaze the experience of being perceived would terrify him, send him fleeing back to his concealing robes and protective books, but not her. Kindness and affection shone through in her soft eyes, as if she were Menphina in mortal form. For her, and only her, could Urianger feel secure in his own flesh.

"I beg of thee, Moenbryda. I beg of thee to be the key for which I am thine lock, the sheath for thine sword."

"You're still so good with your words,even now…" Moenbryda's fingers trailed over the hypersensitive edges of where the toy stuck out of him, feeling how he wriggled and twitched. "I'll have to do something about that."

The toy slid free, easy as anything, and then she was over him, covering him with her body, her breasts hanging free and heavy just below his face. Her hands tugged his hips upward into position and then at long last Urianger felt the heavy press of her sliding inside him. By now he was so slick from the oil and his own fluids that her passage was made easy.

His head fell back, mouth open in silent pleasure as the way opened before her. All his beautiful words, his everlasting flow of literature and poetry, failed him in that wonderful moment of sensation.

"Can feel you fluttering around me," Moenbryda mumbled, her head bent against the pillows. "Gods. You are tight as a damn vice, scholar boy." She paused halfway in, pulling back and sliding in further. Her co*ck was hot and hard in him, pulsing in a way no toy could mimic. In his bliss Urianger fancied he could feel her heartbeat throbbing in time to his own.

Urianger latched onto her, babbling what pitiful responses he could. "Moenbryda, blessed moon, champion of Menphina, no divinity could feel as exquisite–"

"It's your first one, there's no basis of comparison," Moenbryda grumbled, kissing over his face so he'd know she was messing with him. "You still good?"

"Aye, aye!"

"Okay, just a little more-" A single soft moan from Urianger and she was fully inside him, the lanky elezen clutching helplessly against her shoulders and gripping her thighs with his legs. If she'd pushed herself up from the bed she could have lifted him bodily without laying a hand on him.

"There we are, all in." Moenbryda bent her head and nuzzled at his forehead. "And that's all you wanted, right? I can stop now, right?" she chuckled, clearly hoping for more begging. Instead Urianger bared his teeth at her in a week grin.

"Thine mockery would hold more verisimilitude, were I not close enough to see thine fingers clenched in the bedsheets." Urianger drew a deep breath in. "Give me thy passion, mine boon compan–ooof!"

The first thrust knocked the breath out of him, a jolt of wonderful surprise. Moenbryda's hands fell upon his and pinned them to the mattress besides his head. The tight embrace of his legs alone kept them in position as she plunged into him. He felt as if he were a vessel filled to bursting with slick heat.

Moenbryda's breath was hot against his throat, her hitching gasps music against his flushed ears. He rode the waves of her rhythm like a helpless passenger aboard a storm-tossed ship, clinging for dear life, until the final crash upon distant shores left him breathless and boneless.

And sticky. Very sticky.

Moenbryda pulled out with a satisfied sigh, giggling at the mess. "Sorry for that. I'll–I'll get you some towels. Just give me a moment."

"Nay, thou art–'tis most pleasing to me," Urianger panted, seeing the stars pass before his vision. He was aching from the waist down in a pleasant way.

"I can't believe you're taking contraception even when you're too nervous to ask me to f*ck you."

"An abundance of caution hath slain no man."

Moenbryda laughed, slapping her friend on the thigh. "No, but it'll give him a raging case of the blue balls."

Perturbation - Seiberwing - Final Fantasy XIV [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.