Landowners, Va. work to draw quail back to Augusta (2025)

The mission to revive bobwhite quailin Augusta Countyhaslocal landowners teaming up to re-create their lost habitat through the help of agovernmentinitiative.

It's a project that beganwith quail, but its scope reaches far beyond just one species. Bringing back the native grasses and wildflowers that are perfect quailhabitat is also a boon tobig game like deer, pollinators (and by extension agriculture), songbirds andoverallbiodiversity,saidJustin Folks, a private lands wildlife biologist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

"You soon realize it's much much bigger than quail," he said.

The aim is to recreate this type of habitat that's been lost over the years, converted into grazing pasture and farmland, eliminating the native grassland that the quail need to sustain population in an area.

Quail areaboom or bust species, and it's been allbust with the birds' loss of habitat in the region. But getting back to a boom could beas simple as recreating thislost habitat — itjust requires private landowners to get on board with the effort, Folks said.

Creating this habitat means private land needs tobe converted from farmland or grazing pasture. Even something as small as a field border of native grassland makes a difference, as they try to stitch together this "quail quilt" in Augusta County, hesaid.

Folks said he understands whylandowners would be reluctant to give up parts of their property that they use for production for this project, but that the native grassland habitat brings more biodiversity,more balance to their farmland — and would bebeneficial in keeping down pests thateat crops.

"It's kind of a leap of faith for landowners," Folkssaid."We're not out trying to get rid of production land — I like to eat food too."

Oftentimes landowners already have this native grassland on their property but instead of keeping it, mow it because they think it's ugly and serves no purpose, Folks said. Even this time of year in the fall and heading into winter, this land is very important to sustaining resident wildlife and he urges landowners to kick their "recreational mowing disorder"for the benefit of the species that need it.

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While therehave beenpockets of greatquail revitalization success in other parts of Virginia, the effort in Augusta County has fallen behind its target goal. The hope was to convert 15,000 acres into quail habitat in Augusta County and so far the program has created 700 acres since it was launched in 2010, Folks said.

It takes a community effortto reach this goal and be able to sustain a quail population in the area once again. That's why Fort Defiance landowner Richard Obenschain got on board, and he only had to sacrificeabout 2 acres of his total 77 to be used as a field border on his property.

"You have to start somewhere," he said.

He's gotten a lot of support from the government in putting in the right plants in the right places to bring back the native grassland habitat.

"It's pretty painless," he said."You feel like you've done your part."

Jason Hallacher, a tenant on Obenschain'sproperty, said he flushed out six to eight quail from the area recently, which was exciting for him. He said it wasn't surprising though that with a habitat designed forquail, he in fact did see some of the birds.

"It's not rocket science," he said."You can only control so many things in the environment and one thing you can control is creating more habitat."

Hallacher, who works as a fish biologist with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries,keeps bees on the property and so he saw the opportunity for putting in a quail habitat that's good for pollinators too as "an opportunity to kind of kill two birds with one stone."

"We're kind of going old school — this isn't a new idea, it's kind of letting nature run its course," he said.

The key is just continuing to grow neighbor participation to expandthe habitat for the quail and the community as a whole has the chance to benefit, Folks said. It only takes 50 acres to sustain10 to 16 quail, known as a "covey,"and this can be achieved fairly easily, he said.

It's tough getting people to participate in the program, but"you don't have to give up a whole lot to get a lot in return," Folks said. Even if no quail show up, there are still all the benefits of increased pollination, songbirds and overall biodiversity.

"This is a unique opportunity for landowners to give back," Hallacher said.​

When a plan for habitat creation comes together and he's got a satisfied landowner, well that's Folks' favorite part.

"It has to start with someone, you can set an example for others," Folks said.

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Landowners, Va. work to draw quail back to Augusta (2025)


What is the Virginia quail Recovery Initiative? ›

Virginia's Quail Recovery Initiative (QRI) began in 2009 in an effort to restore northern bobwhite quail populations to their native range in the Commonwealth.

What happened to quail in Virginia? ›

Like many other states in the bobwhite range, habitat loss in Virginia has led to sharp declines in a once thriving quail population. This trend was noticed by Quail Forever members Briscoe and Kenan White. Passionate conservationists, they wanted to make a difference for quail in their home state.

What are the best land management procedures for quail? ›

The same grassy and shrubby vegetation used by quail managers for nest, brood, or winter cover can be used to develop riparian buffer strips. Combinations of deep rooted bunch grasses, shrubs, and trees make riparian buffer strips effective for reducing sediment and nutrients, and provide good quail habitat.

Are quail native to Virginia? ›

The northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), also known as the Virginia quail or (in its home range) bobwhite quail, is a ground-dwelling bird native to Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Cuba, with introduced populations elsewhere in the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia.

What is the Virginia Quail Action Plan? ›

The following are the goals of the Virginia Quail Action Plan: Generate new funding mechanisms to support quail restoration. Educate the public on the status of quail and other early succession wildlife species. Improve quail populations in their primary range in Virginia.

What is the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in Virginia? ›

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits the take (including killing, capturing, selling, trading, and transport) of protected migratory bird species without prior authorization by the Department of Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Why are quail declining? ›

But the biggest threats are most likely avian hunters-especially small raptors like Cooper's hawks and sharp-shinned hawks. Not only can they catch quail in flight, says Sisson, "sometimes they'll even get down on the ground and chase the quail on foot."

Will quail ever come back? ›

Provided they secure community support and corral the $50,000 to $100,000 it'll cost, the Presidio plans on bringing the birds back within the next few years. California quail have been released for hunters in many locations, from South America to New Zealand, but this would be the first urban reintroduction, and the ...

What state has highest quail population? ›

2). California has the highest densities. The continental population has been relatively stable since 1966 (Table 2).

How long do quail live? ›

Small twigs, grass stems, leaves and feathers line the nest. Average life expectancy for a wild quail is 1.5 years although on occasion they may live for up to four years. Mature birds average eleven inches long and weigh from 5.1 to 6.5 ounces (160 to 200 grams.)

How many acres do you need for quail? ›

For land to be suitable for quail, it must meet all of their habitat requirements every 40 acres at minimum. A fairly recent study suggested that to maintain a viable quail population, you must have an average of 800 birds and 2,500–3,000 acres of suitable habitat on which they can live (Stephens 2008).

What is the best quail for profit? ›

Coturnix Quail: The Prolific Layer

Dominating the scene with their unparalleled egg production, Coturnix quail (also known as Japanese quail) are the go-to breed for enthusiasts and commercial breeders alike.

What nationality eats quail? ›

Known for its impressive health benefits and delicious taste, quail meat is one of the most popularly eaten meats in the world. It is consumed extensively in Asian countries like China and Japan. Originating in North America, quails are also found in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and South America.

Why is quail called Bob White? ›

Bobwhite Quail: The most common species of quail, the bobwhite is often referred to as the number one game bird of the eastern and southern United States. The name "bobwhite" derives from its characteristic whistling call. Males have a white throat and brow stripe bordered by black compared to brown colored females.

What bird is Virginia known for? ›

The Virginia state bird is the cardinal.

What is Virginia's Wildlife Action Plan? ›

Virginia's Wildlife Action Plan united its natural resource agencies and citizens through a common vision and concept for the conservation of the Commonwealth's wildlife and the habitats in which they live.

What is the Virginia Wild Turkey management Plan? ›

The Virginia Wild Turkey Management Plan includes seven value and goal areas that address populations, recreation, and human-turkey problems. Specific objectives were developed to help guide the attainment of each goal. Potential strategies suggest ways that each objective might be achieved.

What is the Migratory Bird habitat Initiative? ›

The Migratory Bird Program works with partners to protect, restore and conserve bird populations and their habitats for the benefit of future generations by: ensuring long-term ecological sustainability of all migratory bird populations, increasing socioeconomic benefits derived from birds, improving hunting and bird ...

Are there any groups that are dedicated to preserving or protecting bobwhite quail? ›

NBGI mission: A partnership to restore and maintain wild bobwhite quail, associated species, and their native habitats through science-based research and management to support healthy wildlife, soil, air, and water for the benefit of society.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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