Last Updated : 26 Jul, 2024
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Minimum Cost to cut a board into squares
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Given a 3×3 board with 8 tiles (each numbered from 1 to 8) and one empty space, the objective is to place the numbers to match the final configuration using the empty space. We can slide four adjacent tiles (left, right, above, and below) into the empty space.
1. 8 puzzle Problem using DFS (Brute-Force)
We can perform a depth-first search on state-space (Set of all configurations of a given problem i.e. all states that can be reached from the initial state) tree.
- Depth-first search on state-space tree.
- Successive moves may take us away from the goal.
- Inefficient as it explores all paths equally.
Idea: DFS explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking. It is an exhaustive search technique used to traverse or search tree or graph data structures. It starts at the root node and explores as far as possible along each branch before backtracking.
- Start from the root node.
- Explore the leftmost child node recursively until you reach a leaf node or a goal state.
- If a goal state is reached, return the solution.
- If a leaf node is reached without finding a solution, backtrack to explore other branches.
2. 8 puzzle Problem using BFS (Brute-Force)
We can perform a Breadth-first search on the state space tree. This always finds a goal state nearest to the root. But no matter what the initial state is, the algorithm attempts the same sequence of moves like DFS.
- Breadth-first search on the state-space tree.
- Always finds the nearest goal state.
- Same sequence of moves irrespective of initial state.
Idea: BFS explores all neighbor nodes at the present depth before moving on to nodes at the next depth level. It is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. It starts at the tree root and explores the neighbor nodes first, before moving to the next level neighbors.
- Start from the root node.
- Explore all neighboring nodes at the present depth.
- Move to the next depth level and repeat the process.
- If a goal state is reached, return the solution.
3. 8 puzzle Problem using Branch and Bound
DFS and BFS Approach Limitations
- DFS: Can get stuck exploring deep paths that do not lead to the goal, potentially leading to excessive memory usage and slow performance.
- BFS: Explores all nodes at the present depth before moving to the next depth level, which can be inefficient as it does not prioritize more promising paths.
Optimizations with Branch and Bound
Branch and Bound (B&B) enhances both DFS and BFS by integrating a cost function to guide the search:
- Intelligent Node Selection:
- Instead of exploring nodes blindly (DFS) or equally (BFS), B&B uses a cost function to prioritize nodes that are closer to the goal, reducing unnecessary computations.
- Pruning:
- B&B prunes paths that are unlikely to lead to an optimal solution, saving time and memory.
The search for an answer node can often be speeded by using an “intelligent” ranking function, also called an approximate cost function to avoid searching in sub-trees that do not contain an answer node. It is similar to the backtracking technique but uses a BFS-like search.
- Use a priority queue to store live nodes.
- Initialize the cost function for the root node.
- Expand the node with the least cost.
- If a goal state is reached, return the solution.
- Continue expanding nodes until a goal state is found or the priority queue is empty.
Types of Nodes in Branch and Bound Approach
- Live Node: A node that has been generated but whose children have not yet been explored. It is waiting to be processed.
- E-node (Expanding Node): The live node currently being expanded or explored. Its children are being generated.
- Dead Node: A node that is not to be expanded or explored further, either because it is a solution or because its cost is too high.
Cost Function
The cost function balances the actual cost to reach the node and the heuristic estimate to reach the goal. It combines two components:
- g(X): The cost to reach the current node from the root node.
- h(X): The estimated cost to reach the goal node from the current node.
Cost Function Formula: C(X)=g(X)+h(X)
Deriving the Cost Function for the 8-Puzzle Problem
For the 8-puzzle problem, the cost function can be defined as:
- g(X): The number of moves taken to reach the current state from the initial state.
- h(X): The number of misplaced tiles (tiles that are not in their goal position).
Thus, the cost function C(X) for a node X can be expressed as: C(X)=g(X)+h(X)
- g(X) is the number of moves taken so far.
- h(X) is the number of tiles not in their goal positions.
The below diagram shows the path followed by the above algorithm to reach the final configuration from the given initial configuration of the 8-Puzzle. Note that only nodes having the least value of cost function are expanded.
// Program to print path from root node to destination node// for N*N -1 puzzle algorithm using Branch and Bound// The solution assumes that instance of puzzle is solvable#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define N 3// state space tree nodesstruct Node{ // stores the parent node of the current node // helps in tracing path when the answer is found Node* parent; // stores matrix int mat[N][N]; // stores blank tile coordinates int x, y; // stores the number of misplaced tiles int cost; // stores the number of moves so far int level;};// Function to print N x N matrixint printMatrix(int mat[N][N]){ for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) printf("%d ", mat[i][j]); printf("\n"); }}// Function to allocate a new nodeNode* newNode(int mat[N][N], int x, int y, int newX, int newY, int level, Node* parent){ Node* node = new Node; // set pointer for path to root node->parent = parent; // copy data from parent node to current node memcpy(node->mat, mat, sizeof node->mat); // move tile by 1 position swap(node->mat[x][y], node->mat[newX][newY]); // set number of misplaced tiles node->cost = INT_MAX; // set number of moves so far node->level = level; // update new blank tile coordinates node->x = newX; node->y = newY; return node;}// bottom, left, top, rightint row[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };int col[] = { 0, -1, 0, 1 };// Function to calculate the number of misplaced tiles// ie. number of non-blank tiles not in their goal positionint calculateCost(int initial[N][N], int final[N][N]){ int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) if (initial[i][j] && initial[i][j] != final[i][j]) count++; return count;}// Function to check if (x, y) is a valid matrix coordinateint isSafe(int x, int y){ return (x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0 && y < N);}// print path from root node to destination nodevoid printPath(Node* root){ if (root == NULL) return; printPath(root->parent); printMatrix(root->mat); printf("\n");}// Comparison object to be used to order the heapstruct comp{ bool operator()(const Node* lhs, const Node* rhs) const { return (lhs->cost + lhs->level) > (rhs->cost + rhs->level); }};// Function to solve N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm using// Branch and Bound. x and y are blank tile coordinates// in initial statevoid solve(int initial[N][N], int x, int y, int final[N][N]){ // Create a priority queue to store live nodes of // search tree; priority_queue<Node*, std::vector<Node*>, comp> pq; // create a root node and calculate its cost Node* root = newNode(initial, x, y, x, y, 0, NULL); root->cost = calculateCost(initial, final); // Add root to list of live nodes; pq.push(root); // Finds a live node with least cost, // add its childrens to list of live nodes and // finally deletes it from the list. while (!pq.empty()) { // Find a live node with least estimated cost Node* min =; // The found node is deleted from the list of // live nodes pq.pop(); // if min is an answer node if (min->cost == 0) { // print the path from root to destination; printPath(min); return; } // do for each child of min // max 4 children for a node for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (isSafe(min->x + row[i], min->y + col[i])) { // create a child node and calculate // its cost Node* child = newNode(min->mat, min->x, min->y, min->x + row[i], min->y + col[i], min->level + 1, min); child->cost = calculateCost(child->mat, final); // Add child to list of live nodes pq.push(child); } } }}// Driver codeint main(){ // Initial configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int initial[N][N] = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 0}, {7, 8, 4} }; // Solvable Final configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int final[N][N] = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 8, 6}, {0, 7, 4} }; // Blank tile coordinates in initial // configuration int x = 1, y = 2; solve(initial, x, y, final); return 0;}
// Java Program to print path from root node to destination node// for N*N -1 puzzle algorithm using Branch and Bound// The solution assumes that instance of puzzle is solvableimport*;import java.util.*;class GFG{ public static int N = 3; public static class Node { // stores the parent node of the current node // helps in tracing path when the answer is found Node parent; int mat[][] = new int[N][N];// stores matrix int x, y;// stores blank tile coordinates int cost;// stores the number of misplaced tiles int level;// stores the number of moves so far } // Function to print N x N matrix public static void printMatrix(int mat[][]){ for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){ System.out.print(mat[i][j]+" "); } System.out.println(""); } } // Function to allocate a new node public static Node newNode(int mat[][], int x, int y, int newX, int newY, int level, Node parent){ Node node = new Node(); node.parent = parent;// set pointer for path to root // copy data from parent node to current node node.mat = new int[N][N]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < N; j++){ node.mat[i][j] = mat[i][j]; } } // move tile by 1 position int temp = node.mat[x][y]; node.mat[x][y] = node.mat[newX][newY]; node.mat[newX][newY]=temp; node.cost = Integer.MAX_VALUE;// set number of misplaced tiles node.level = level;// set number of moves so far // update new blank tile coordinates node.x = newX; node.y = newY; return node; } // bottom, left, top, right public static int row[] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 }; public static int col[] = { 0, -1, 0, 1 }; // Function to calculate the number of misplaced tiles // ie. number of non-blank tiles not in their goal position public static int calculateCost(int initialMat[][], int finalMat[][]) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) if (initialMat[i][j]!=0 && initialMat[i][j] != finalMat[i][j]) count++; return count; } // Function to check if (x, y) is a valid matrix coordinate public static int isSafe(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0 && y < N)?1:0; } // print path from root node to destination node public static void printPath(Node root){ if(root == null){ return; } printPath(root.parent); printMatrix(root.mat); System.out.println(""); } // Comparison object to be used to order the heap public static class comp implements Comparator<Node>{ @Override public int compare(Node lhs, Node rhs){ return (lhs.cost + lhs.level) > (rhs.cost+rhs.level)?1:-1; } } // Function to solve N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm using // Branch and Bound. x and y are blank tile coordinates // in initial state public static void solve(int initialMat[][], int x, int y, int finalMat[][]) { // Create a priority queue to store live nodes of search tree PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(new comp()); // create a root node and calculate its cost Node root = newNode(initialMat, x, y, x, y, 0, null); root.cost = calculateCost(initialMat,finalMat); // Add root to list of live nodes; pq.add(root); // Finds a live node with least cost, // add its childrens to list of live nodes and // finally deletes it from the list. while(!pq.isEmpty()) { Node min = pq.peek();// Find a live node with least estimated cost pq.poll();// The found node is deleted from the list of live nodes // if min is an answer node if(min.cost == 0){ printPath(min);// print the path from root to destination; return; } // do for each child of min // max 4 children for a node for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (isSafe(min.x + row[i], min.y + col[i])>0) { // create a child node and calculate // its cost Node child = newNode(min.mat, min.x, min.y, min.x + row[i],min.y + col[i], min.level + 1, min); child.cost = calculateCost(child.mat, finalMat); // Add child to list of live nodes pq.add(child); } } } } //Driver Code public static void main (String[] args) { // Initial configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int initialMat[][] = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 0}, {7, 8, 4} }; // Solvable Final configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int finalMat[][] = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 8, 6}, {0, 7, 4} }; // Blank tile coordinates in initial // configuration int x = 1, y = 2; solve(initialMat, x, y, finalMat); }}// This code is contributed by shruti456rawal
# Python3 program to print the path from root # node to destination node for N*N-1 puzzle # algorithm using Branch and Bound# The solution assumes that instance of # puzzle is solvable# Importing copy for deepcopy functionimport copy# Importing the heap functions from python # library for Priority Queuefrom heapq import heappush, heappop# This variable can be changed to change# the program from 8 puzzle(n=3) to 15 # puzzle(n=4) to 24 puzzle(n=5)...n = 3# bottom, left, top, rightrow = [ 1, 0, -1, 0 ]col = [ 0, -1, 0, 1 ]# A class for Priority Queueclass priorityQueue: # Constructor to initialize a # Priority Queue def __init__(self): self.heap = [] # Inserts a new key 'k' def push(self, k): heappush(self.heap, k) # Method to remove minimum element # from Priority Queue def pop(self): return heappop(self.heap) # Method to know if the Queue is empty def empty(self): if not self.heap: return True else: return False# Node structureclass node: def __init__(self, parent, mat, empty_tile_pos, cost, level): # Stores the parent node of the # current node helps in tracing # path when the answer is found self.parent = parent # Stores the matrix self.mat = mat # Stores the position at which the # empty space tile exists in the matrix self.empty_tile_pos = empty_tile_pos # Stores the number of misplaced tiles self.cost = cost # Stores the number of moves so far self.level = level # This method is defined so that the # priority queue is formed based on # the cost variable of the objects def __lt__(self, nxt): return self.cost < nxt.cost# Function to calculate the number of # misplaced tiles ie. number of non-blank# tiles not in their goal positiondef calculateCost(mat, final) -> int: count = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if ((mat[i][j]) and (mat[i][j] != final[i][j])): count += 1 return countdef newNode(mat, empty_tile_pos, new_empty_tile_pos, level, parent, final) -> node: # Copy data from parent matrix to current matrix new_mat = copy.deepcopy(mat) # Move tile by 1 position x1 = empty_tile_pos[0] y1 = empty_tile_pos[1] x2 = new_empty_tile_pos[0] y2 = new_empty_tile_pos[1] new_mat[x1][y1], new_mat[x2][y2] = new_mat[x2][y2], new_mat[x1][y1] # Set number of misplaced tiles cost = calculateCost(new_mat, final) new_node = node(parent, new_mat, new_empty_tile_pos, cost, level) return new_node# Function to print the N x N matrixdef printMatrix(mat): for i in range(n): for j in range(n): print("%d " % (mat[i][j]), end = " ") print()# Function to check if (x, y) is a valid# matrix coordinatedef isSafe(x, y): return x >= 0 and x < n and y >= 0 and y < n# Print path from root node to destination nodedef printPath(root): if root == None: return printPath(root.parent) printMatrix(root.mat) print()# Function to solve N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm# using Branch and Bound. empty_tile_pos is# the blank tile position in the initial state.def solve(initial, empty_tile_pos, final): # Create a priority queue to store live # nodes of search tree pq = priorityQueue() # Create the root node cost = calculateCost(initial, final) root = node(None, initial, empty_tile_pos, cost, 0) # Add root to list of live nodes pq.push(root) # Finds a live node with least cost, # add its children to list of live # nodes and finally deletes it from # the list. while not pq.empty(): # Find a live node with least estimated # cost and delete it from the list of # live nodes minimum = pq.pop() # If minimum is the answer node if minimum.cost == 0: # Print the path from root to # destination; printPath(minimum) return # Generate all possible children for i in range(4): new_tile_pos = [ minimum.empty_tile_pos[0] + row[i], minimum.empty_tile_pos[1] + col[i], ] if isSafe(new_tile_pos[0], new_tile_pos[1]): # Create a child node child = newNode(minimum.mat, minimum.empty_tile_pos, new_tile_pos, minimum.level + 1, minimum, final,) # Add child to list of live nodes pq.push(child)# Driver Code# Initial configuration# Value 0 is used for empty spaceinitial = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 6, 0 ], [ 7, 8, 4 ] ]# Solvable Final configuration# Value 0 is used for empty spacefinal = [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 5, 8, 6 ], [ 0, 7, 4 ] ]# Blank tile coordinates in # initial configurationempty_tile_pos = [ 1, 2 ]# Function call to solve the puzzlesolve(initial, empty_tile_pos, final)# This code is contributed by Kevin Joshi
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;class GFG{ public static int N = 3; public class Node { // Stores the parent node of the current node // Helps in tracing the path when the answer is found public Node parent; public int[,] mat = new int[N, N]; // Stores the matrix public int x, y; // Stores blank tile coordinates public int cost; // Stores the number of misplaced tiles public int level; // Stores the number of moves so far } // Function to print N x N matrix public static void PrintMatrix(int[,] mat) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { Console.Write(mat[i, j] + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); } } // Function to allocate a new node public static Node NewNode(int[,] mat, int x, int y, int newX, int newY, int level, Node parent) { Node node = new Node(); node.parent = parent; // Set pointer for the path to root // Copy data from the parent node to the current node node.mat = new int[N, N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { node.mat[i, j] = mat[i, j]; } } // Move the tile by 1 position int temp = node.mat[x, y]; node.mat[x, y] = node.mat[newX, newY]; node.mat[newX, newY] = temp; node.cost = int.MaxValue; // Set the number of misplaced tiles node.level = level; // Set the number of moves so far // Update new blank tile coordinates node.x = newX; node.y = newY; return node; } // Bottom, left, top, right public static int[] row = { 1, 0, -1, 0 }; public static int[] col = { 0, -1, 0, 1 }; // Function to calculate the number of misplaced tiles // i.e., the number of non-blank tiles not in their goal position public static int CalculateCost(int[,] initialMat, int[,] finalMat) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { if (initialMat[i, j] != 0 && initialMat[i, j] != finalMat[i, j]) { count++; } } } return count; } // Function to check if (x, y) is a valid matrix coordinate public static int IsSafe(int x, int y) { return (x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0 && y < N) ? 1 : 0; } // Print the path from the root node to the destination node public static void PrintPath(Node root) { if (root == null) { return; } PrintPath(root.parent); PrintMatrix(root.mat); Console.WriteLine(); } // Comparison object to be used to order the heap public class Comp : IComparer<Node> { public int Compare(Node lhs, Node rhs) { return (lhs.cost + lhs.level) > (rhs.cost + rhs.level) ? 1 : -1; } } // Function to solve N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm using // Branch and Bound. x and y are blank tile coordinates // in the initial state public static void Solve(int[,] initialMat, int x, int y, int[,] finalMat) { // Create a priority queue to store live nodes of the search tree var pq = new SortedSet<Node>(new Comp()); // Create a root node and calculate its cost Node root = NewNode(initialMat, x, y, x, y, 0, null); root.cost = CalculateCost(initialMat, finalMat); // Add the root to the list of live nodes pq.Add(root); // Find a live node with the least cost, // add its children to the list of live nodes, and // finally remove it from the list while (pq.Count > 0) { Node min = pq.Min; // Find a live node with the least estimated cost pq.Remove(min); // The found node is removed from the list of live nodes // If min is an answer node if (min.cost == 0) { PrintPath(min); // Print the path from the root to the destination return; } // Do for each child of min // Max 4 children for a node for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (IsSafe(min.x + row[i], min.y + col[i]) > 0) { // Create a child node and calculate its cost Node child = NewNode(min.mat, min.x, min.y, min.x + row[i], min.y + col[i], min.level + 1, min); child.cost = CalculateCost(child.mat, finalMat); // Add the child to the list of live nodes pq.Add(child); } } } } // Driver Code public static void Main(string[] args) { // Initial configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int[,] initialMat = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 0}, {7, 8, 4} }; // Solvable Final configuration // Value 0 is used for empty space int[,] finalMat = { {1, 2, 3}, {5, 8, 6}, {0, 7, 4} }; // Blank tile coordinates in the initial configuration int x = 1, y = 2; Solve(initialMat, x, y, finalMat); }}
// Program to print path from root node to destination node// for N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm using Branch and Bound// The solution assumes that the instance of the puzzle is solvableconst N = 3;// State space tree nodesclass Node { constructor(mat, x, y, level, parent) { // Stores the parent node of the current node // Helps in tracing the path when the answer is found this.parent = parent; // Stores matrix this.mat = => [...row]); // Stores blank tile coordinates this.x = x; this.y = y; // Stores the number of misplaced tiles this.cost = Infinity; // Stores the number of moves so far this.level = level; }}// Function to print N x N matrixfunction printMatrix(mat) { for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { console.log(mat[i].join(' ')); } console.log('\n');}// Function to allocate a new nodefunction newNode(mat, x, y, newX, newY, level, parent) { const node = new Node(mat, x, y, level, parent); // Move tile by 1 position [node.mat[x][y], node.mat[newX][newY]] = [node.mat[newX][newY], node.mat[x][y]]; // Update new blank tile coordinates node.x = newX; node.y = newY; return node;}// Bottom, left, top, rightconst row = [1, 0, -1, 0];const col = [0, -1, 0, 1];// Function to calculate the number of misplaced tiles// i.e., number of non-blank tiles not in their goal positionfunction calculateCost(initial, final) { let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) if (initial[i][j] && initial[i][j] !== final[i][j]) count++; return count;}// Function to check if (x, y) is a valid matrix coordinatefunction isSafe(x, y) { return x >= 0 && x < N && y >= 0 && y < N;}// Print path from root node to destination nodefunction printPath(root) { if (!root) return; printPath(root.parent); printMatrix(root.mat);}// Comparison object to be used to order the heapclass comp { static compare(lhs, rhs) { return (lhs.cost + lhs.level) > (rhs.cost + rhs.level); }}// Function to solve N*N - 1 puzzle algorithm using// Branch and Bound. x and y are blank tile coordinates// in the initial statefunction solve(initial, x, y, final) { // Create an array to store live nodes of the search tree const pq = []; // Create a root node and calculate its cost const root = newNode(initial, x, y, x, y, 0, null); root.cost = calculateCost(initial, final); // Add root to the array of live nodes pq.push(root); // Find a live node with the least cost, // add its children to the array of live nodes, and // finally delete it from the array while (pq.length > 0) { // Find a live node with the least estimated cost pq.sort(; const min = pq.shift(); // If min is an answer node if (min.cost === 0) { // Print the path from root to destination printPath(min); return; } // Do for each child of min // Max 4 children for a node for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (isSafe(min.x + row[i], min.y + col[i])) { // Create a child node and calculate its cost const child = newNode(min.mat, min.x, min.y, min.x + row[i], min.y + col[i], min.level + 1, min); child.cost = calculateCost(child.mat, final); // Add child to the array of live nodes pq.push(child); } } }}// Driver code// Initial configuration// Value 0 is used for empty spaceconst initial = [ [1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 0], [7, 8, 4]];// Solvable Final configuration// Value 0 is used for empty spaceconst final = [ [1, 2, 3], [5, 8, 6], [0, 7, 4]];// Blank tile coordinates in the initial configurationconst startX = 1, startY = 2;solve(initial, startX, startY, final);// This code is contributed by shivamgupta310570
Output :
1 2 3
5 6 0
7 8 4
1 2 3
5 0 6
7 8 4
1 2 3
5 8 6
7 0 4
1 2 3
5 8 6
0 7 4
The time complexity of this algorithm is O(N^2 * N!) where N is the number of tiles in the puzzle, and the space complexity is O(N^2).
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